Mahindra Comviva's Mobility Connect Forum ends in the city
প্রকাশ : ২৬ মে, ২০১৫ ১৮:৪৮:০২
Mahindra Comviva's Mobility Connect Forum ends in the city
Staff Reporter, Dhakatimes
Dhaka. Mahindra Comviva, a global leader in providing mobility solutions, has successfully concluded its two-day long event titled “Mobility Connect Forum, Bangladesh” with showcasing of various mobile solutions before the participants from telecom operators, banks, regulator and different stakeholders.
The first edition of the two day (25-26 May) forum with the theme- “How mobility solutions will transform lives in Bangladesh” aimed to educate operators and banks about the innovative offerings in mobility space and their potential to transform the lives of millions of people in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Telecom Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Chairman, Mr. Sunil Kanti Bose, inaugurated the event in a city hotel on May 25, Monday where Mr. Subhankar Saha, Executive Director, Bangladesh Bank was present as the Special Guest.
Mr. Suresh Khosla, Vice President and Head of Asia Pacific and Mr. Reyad Hasnain, Bangladesh Country Manager of Mahindra Comviva and representatives from telecom operators, regulator and banks participated in the event.
The forum showcased the solutions covering mobile money and payments, customer value management, mobile advertising, data, enterprise mobility and managed services that contribute to enhance operator revenues as well as customer experience. The event also showcased the new innovations such as wearable and other disruptive technologies.
BTRC Chairman Mr. Sunil Kanti Bose said, “Mobility solutions providers like Mahindra Comviva are playing very crucial role in achieving the government’s ‘Vission-2021’ and ‘Vission-2041’ to create a knowledge based society and developed Bangladesh.” He also said that all mobility solutions including mobile financial services has brought tremendous change in the life style of Bangladeshi people. Sunil also vowed all kinds of supports from the regulator to service providers for building a digitized Bangladesh.
Vice President and Head of Asia Pacific Region Mr. Suresh Khosla and Bangladesh Country Manager Mr Reyad Hasnain of Mahindra Comviva also spoke at the event.”